Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Hiatus

Allow me to start this off by mentioning the monstrosity growing on my chin. Because really, there is no other way than to come back from that very dark abyss of absence from my own blog and shoot this one out the window for all to know. I know this is totally not cat-related but this is somewhat relevant for what I am speaking of is a CREATURE on its own. I gotta tell you people, there is a giant zit protruding out of my face that is causing great discomfort. This parasitic boil looks not unlike the balls of an elephant. My mistake, it’s ONE ball of an elephant. I’m not oversensationalizing a zit. I really am not. If the comparison makes you uncomfortable, how about this? My face is growing itself another head because it is lonely and needs a friend. Someone just like it. Personally, I like elephant ball better. Makes me sound less anti-social. Ok lah, MINIATURE elephant ball. By the way, I HAVE seen real elephant balls before and it was not on TV. Needless to say it is not their best feature. But I love elephants nonetheless because who has time to be perfect? After all, perfection does not exist.

Why did I go on a rant about the male genitalia of the pachyderm and have you plant quite an obscene image in your head? Seriously, I don’t know. Maybe I just wanted to mess with you. To see if you’d ever come back to read me. This is no way to build a fan base (not that I’m trying). Do not follow in my footsteps (if you ARE trying). Do not talk about elephant balls. Especially on your face. Sigh. I really am THAT good at having people look at me funny. And here’s an emoticon =p to follow that sentence up so it appears to soften the harsh truthfulness of the statement and make the little girl in me stop crying.

ANYWAY, if you’ve been here before you might be wondering why there has been no updates on my precious aging kittyzens and true tales of P,B&J. I will not blame the elephant ball, I mean the germinating pimple now smeared in Oxy (and I wear this during the day out in public and people look at me like I just scraped white paint off the wall with my chin cause ya know, I was marking my territory yalls!). It has nothing to do with my face. That much is clear. Because where is my face on this blog? Can you find it anywhere? No you can’t? Exactly.

My hiatus has been the result of, well, my emotional state. My mind has been in shambles and is slow to sort itself out due to life-altering events. No, I did not have a breast augmentation neither did I get to marry Hayden Christensen (although I REALLY should, SO if YOU see him around tell him to CALL ME and also tell him I already booked the venue for next year ok!).

I don’t really want to make this blog venture towards more personal aspects of my life other than the cats but since future postings will somewhat be related to this, this deserves a fair mentioning in several paragraphs.

In early October, my father, Prof.Dr. Kamarudin Mat Salleh (of UKM) passed away after 2 years of battling renal cancer. And that is the first time I have written that in a sentence. I state his name because if ever someone tries to google his name and find this page as a result of that, I’ll let you know that he too liked cats and lived with A LOT of them for 11 years. Although he was nowhere near the level of devotion that my mom and I have for feline company but my father loved us enough to tolerate sharing his house with them. Gradually, he made space in his heart for each and every one of the cats and he couldn’t help himself from picking favourites. I can’t really blame him for that. He had mad love for Parsi. Of course he didn’t show it by tying Parsi to his hip but he made a lot of exceptions for Parsi. The grand example being: whenever Parsi poops in the house he would not scream his head off at Parsi’s disgusting behavior and lack of class. Instead, he’d just go Oh look, Parsi had an accident. Must be cause the door was closed and NOT because Parsi is a giant ass. He was also fond of Mama Ayeow. But who isn’t? And Mimi always had the privilege of sitting at the dining chair next to his to share pieces of his ikan bakar. A few years back when Honey was still around, he actually brought home pieces of string from his office for her to play with (she was obsessed with chasing strings).

The cats were also favorite subjects of my father’s photography. His DSL camera he left behind will in no doubt continue on in capturing images of them. He did a lot for the cats. He paid for their food without ever complaining about the cost and in the past, when I was still too young to drive and there weren’t nearly as many animal clinics in the area as there are today, he’d go to work late so that he could take me to UPM to get the sick animals treated. He supported me when I wanted to become a vet – although that will forever remain a dream unfulfilled. I could handle the science back then, it was the math that buried that dream. What can I say? My brain was not made to count without a calculator.

* For the life of me I wanted to insert a picture of one of the cats here taken by my father but I COULD NOT FIND the folders containing all those picture. I'm not even sure which computer it might be in. But if you're interested to do some clicking to see one (or two) you can do so here.

He may have been a little less tolerant with the animals that I brought home later on in life or the ones who came over uninvited and were keen on staying (like the suave and handsome Soya that my dad hated and actually chased away several times with the penyapu – of course he never actually hit him. Also there was WonderCat who had a brief stay here as well), but it was only a fair reaction since we already had so many under our not-so-spacious roof and plus, he was also sick and just didn’t have the energy to deal with the animal traffic in and out of the house.

I often have the tendency to downplay the magnitude of such affecting news and am likely to practice emotional aversion to crushing events like the great lost of a loved one to insulate my heavy friable heart. This is just how I operate. So I had to burrow in for awhile to assess the changes of my life now. The changes have been difficult and has made life ever more precarious. I cannot quite yet articulate the full extent of the experience. But I can say that I am blessed to have my family and my cats (also a substantial part of the family) along with my friends who’ve been here to make it less of a lonely ordeal. If I EVER had the tiniest of doubt about animal therapy (which I’ve never had), these tough times have steamrolled over them through and through. We were not alone in our bereavement. I can tell you in complete honesty, without any exaggerations, that all my cats especially the older ones felt the effects of my father’s death. When we brought my father home for his last moments, I had to dash the cats to be boarded at the pet shop to make space for the potential crowd soon to be gathered around the house. In such a situation, you really don’t have the time and mind to focus on anything else so the cats needed to be put in a safe place for awhile. We didn’t want them to freak from the sudden rush of people either. But because I was short of time and cages, I only managed to transport 7 of them to the pet shop in one trip and there was no time to make another. So Parsi, Sakura and Kiki had to be placed in the balcony. But we had earlier on decided that Parsi should remain at home because he was my father’s favourite and we thought my father would have wanted him to be there during the final hours.

My father arrived home at 12 pm via ambulance and past way at 7pm the same day. People poured in till early morning. It was only after the funeral did I get to properly attend to the 3 cats. The differences in behaviour were apparent. Kiki wouldn’t stop mewing. Calling out for something or someone. While Kiki is known to be vocal, but she has never continuously called out for long periods of time before. It was almost like she was howling as she paced up and down the stairs seemingly looking for something. I know that some people may want to say that we’re just personifying the animals as to have them feel closer to our human ways. We’re only making up these similarities to human characteristics so we can feel a more mutual connection and understanding between two utterly different species. One being superior and the other much more inferior in the presumed hierarchy of God's earth creatures. You can have your views but I believe animals can have feelings and have the ability to emote just as we do. They may not cry tears of sorrow, but can they feel sorrow? Can they grieve and be affected by lost? Hell yeah, I’ll put my stamp collection on that. (I don’t really have an exotic stamp collection but I know they’re worth a lot to stamp enthusiasts. Not that I’m saying stamp collectors would argue with me on whether animals have feelings or not.). Some things don’t require complicated explanations and scientific proof when you’ve seen it for yourself enough to believe past sceptical, one-sided ken.

And how did Parsi take it? You’d be surprised. At least we were. Pat has always, ALWAYS been a grouch. He would out-grouch Oscar in that trashcan of his and would eat Big Bird with no remorse if he ever went strolling down Sesame Street. He has never been the affectionate, 'hey please scratch behind my ears and while you’re at it shower me with kisses' type of house pet. He’s more of a grandpa with one too many bad war stories that has blinded him from the beauty of what life has still to offer. Like rainbows and dancing elves and cupcakes with rainbows and dancing elves decorated on them. But when my father went away never to return, what did Parsi do? He came slithering between our legs. Mewing for some love. Wanted to have his head stroked and even endured some squeezing. He even called out to us. When has he ever done that? Not since he was an impatiently screaming newborn kitten in want of mother’s milk. It lasted for a few weeks. We were in awe but not too much because it only reminded us more of our lost. I think he was trying to let us know that he understood.

One thing I have to say I regret doing was to not have left Mimi behind at the house as well. My mom is convinced that she would have liked to have been there at the time. Because even now, after over 2 months, she still seems to be at a lost. There’s a story to that but I’ll save it for a later date. We hadn’t plan to keep any of the cats (with the exception of Pat) home during the event anyway, but if we did, we would have surely allowed her to stay for she shared a special kind of connection with my dad that only the two of them really know the meaning of.

Death can drag you to patches of dark clearings that you never knew existed. That’s where I found myself. Although it isn’t all too apparent in person because moping around in gloom takes up more energy than you'd think, similar to how frowning uses up more muscles than smiling. But having the ones you love who are still here encircled around you to help you keep yourself upright, makes you more appreciative for those godsend individuals. At least whenever you need to fall down and lay still for awhile, in my case, I know there would be a wet nose to nudge me and a soft ball of fur to rest my head on to let me know that I am not alone.

2009 has been a torrid one. Here’s to a hopefully brighter 2010 with cats pooping and peeing in front of guests just so the guests can go home and badmouth us and vow to never come over again (for the selective few ill-mannered guests, mission accomplished). Also in hopes for a year with less sightings of ELEPHANT BALLS.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Childhood Comforts

Parsi sleeping in his old favorite spot. Before he became a wandering stud and forgot about those quiet little naps he used to take upstairs. When he could still climb up the stairs without carrying a 4 kg belly up with him. Yeah, his youthful, washboard-abs days.

When he was younger, he mostly spent his time indoors for his father, this gargantuan black persian beast would attack him upon sight for being 'in his territory'. We named this frequent visitor Night for he was so dark and such a formidable figure one could not be amazed without also being intimidated. He was not one of my cats. He belonged to someone from a different street and on one fine night, he followed one of my female cats home. Upon discovery of my cat infested populated house, Night liked to roam the area and constantly came over like it was his favorite brothel. Back then he surely had a myriad of female companions to choose from for we did not yet practice neutering. He hung around for many years. Even when he was limping or ill he would still come over to visit - I supposed he was addicted to this place or simply loyal to his routine venturing. He didn't bother us humans much. Just liked to lounge around. Didn't create any problems. Like Parsi, he was not the cuddling type and didn't like to be handled. He would only tolerate a pat on the head for a few seconds before he would show you his claws. He peed on me once or twice. Luckily for him, at the time I did not know how to use a butcher knife. Oh but wait...I still don't. But digress, eventually he died of old age and I'm sure he was really old. He had to have been over age 10. Anyway, when Parsi was a young lad and Night was still around, he made sure who was boss. As a result, Parsi wouldn't dare to go outside much. It was only after Night's departure did Parsi truly see the world and of course, like his father, became the big shot about town and while Night came here to terrorize this street, Parsi went over to where Night originated and took reign. It goes to show how you just return to the roots of your ancestors.

Parsi is old now too. And after his castration in Dec '08, has lost interest in roaming. Doesn't even bother with any territory which allows other neighborhood cats to come and terrorize. Since then he's gain 3-4 kgs and counting. I was going through some photos the other day and the difference in appearance couldn't be more shocking to me. I can't believe he's changed so much.

(Click to enlarge for better viewing)

-Parsi at 6 years old in 2007-
Parsi 2007 and 2009- the changes in 2 years.

Parsi in April/May 09


You know, bad things are sure to happen when you refuse to listen to good advice OR verbal beatings stern warnings, especially ones that ring so clear you need not think long and hard to understand the meaning such as, "DO NOT RUMMAGE THROUGH THE TRASH!". I guess one would take heed especially if that one just had a treat of wet food. Such was the amount of aromatic treat that was given, the whole can was wiped clean and thus disposed of appropriately in the trash. But what happens when you leave the kitchen to live life elsewhere? Like say, make plans to maybe get down on the dance floor and shake that thang or maybe just watch The Biggest Loser. Meanwhile, little furry things get brilliant ideas and come together to devise a cunning yet simple plan to tilt the bin over and feast! It astonishes me how these cats are ALWAYS nosing around for food as if I have forced them to join in on the philantrophic act of a hunger strike for Darfur. Given their uncontrollable appetite (that rivals my fat ass Parsi's), it may not be so surprising that I find myself wondering if they're some mutant breed of insatiable walruses in feline disguise.

Anyway, here I am doing something else when my ears pick up a THUD THUD THUD. Now, what can that possibly be? Hmmm. Is it Parsi exercising to achieve a more desired figure? Or could it just be the sound of my beating heart for my prayers have been answered and a rockstar has just dropped from the heavens with a THUD onto my living room carpet?
Sadly a girl can only indulge herself in such wishful thinking for so long until reality catches up. The sound was coming from the kitchen and the 3 little ones were not around. I had a notion that I was likely going to find scraps of crap scattered on the floor. But little did I know I'd have more on my hands than I had expected. I went into the kitchen to find, not one of the two rowdy boys, but Jess - the usually well-behaved tuxedo princess -thrashing about, doing the moonwalk...without a head in sight. Literally. This is because,well, remember the empty can of cat food? It now held her little head captive.

I would have taken a picture except that my brain didn't instantaneously direct me to make a mad dash for the camera. Instead it had me more concerned on dealing with the situation without panic so I would not have to bury a dicapitated kitten. Because who would REALLY want a stiff headless kitten to adopt? How would I ever explain THAT to anyone? I have after all, a cat crazy friendly reputation to keep. Fortunately, I was able to remove it safely from her head unscathe. Indeed afterwards she felt like a star as heads turned her way for she then ended up smelling like a head full of processed fish. Who could resist that, eh? And here I am spending money on floral fragrant shampoos.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Kecik, but with a lot of heart

This is a picture of Kecik staring out into the distance from the balcony. Though you cannot view the expression on her face, I can tell you that she had a faraway look that suggested only one thing- Rindu. And she has had that look reflecting through her yellow cat eyes from the deepest recesses of her fragile heart, for a very long time. Who has she been waiting for? None other than her dearest Andi.

Andi was not her macho bob cat spouse nor was he the 'wham bam thank you ma'am!' father of her kittens. Andi was her tall and lanky (ok lah, boyishly cute too) former owner who saved her from the lonely life of an abandoned cat in an animal shelter, brought her home and loved her to bits. On the day they parted, they had the same sad look on their faces. Although Kecik was more confused than he could be. She remained that way for many weeks.

Kecik has been an emotionally difficult cat code to crack. I'm sure she thinks of her stay here as an abandonment on Andi's part. But the truth, as I have tried to wedge into her little heart-shaped head, is that he had to let her go to pursue a career in the sky (literally). Frankly a place she could not follow. Bringing her along was not an option. So the next best thing was to place her and her kittens here with the almostcrazycatlady me. But she refuses to let go of the idea that Andi is off on a short vacation and will soon take her back to their spacious home without weird old cats around giving her vicious 'i will eat your eyeballs when you go to sleep' looks or obnoxious little boys squeezing her like a rubber ducky. I thought she would gradually come out of it and move on with her life and see that we are not planning to skin her alive but instead offer her a home full of love that even teddy bears would wish themselves to be living creatures to take her place...ok, that's a little creepy. But still. Not that I give myself such high extols but if I were a cat, I'd like to live with me. Just ask Mama Ayeow. You may not wanna ask Pat though, he's still mad at me because I put him on a diet so that he could still use his limbs for another day or two (I know, talk about being ungrateful. It's because of his food limits that he can still RUN FROM ME when I try to get a hug out of him).

Quite honestly I haven't yet had a cat who has refused to be chummy with me. But understandably she was tight with her owner and it is sad to see her pining away for his return. If it weren't for her kids and the ever so attentive Parsi, I suspect that she would've run away. Perhaps she realizes though that the cats in this neighborhood are freakier than me my cats.

However, all is not lost yet and there is good news to report. In the past 2-3 weeks I FINALLY saw some signs of Kecik wiggling out of her seemingly unbreakable iron-clad shell. Surely it was a pleasant surprise for me when she just came to me and decided to be an affectionate ball of blue fur. Suddenly, we were like childhood friends at a slumber party confessing stupid little school girl crushes on that one guy and sharing dreams of one day owning a silver unicorn or at the very least, pierced ears so we could wear chandelier earrings down to our butts (of course at the time we didn't know that they could break your neck from the weight were called chandelier earrings).

I have been trying to "connect" with her for so long, I've nearly given up out of frustration and admittedly have been feeling insulted by her lack of response. This week she's gotten more friendlier with the people of the house. She has also started vocally responding to direct speech. Before this, if we talked to her she would ignore us and buat bodoh even though she's fully aware of the fact that we're talking to her and not to my fairy godmother. But now she mews and has taken to rubbing herself against my legs. She is also a big fan of flopping on the floor and stretching long, expecting a belly rub from her display.

Needless to say, I am thrilled with this improvement and only hope that we can establish a closer bond in time. It's not just for my ego as I have had a good track record with cats (as opposed to humans--really, sometimes I just can't stand people) including feral ones but also because I think it's important for her to feel at home here if she intends to stay.

She still misses you, Andi. And I do believe she'll always have you at the base of her heart. But seriously, if you're going to poop in the litter box that I scoop everyday, I do expect at the very least for you to be seen with me in public and not pretend to be Miss Independant.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Will defend territory with urine and claws

I thought it a little unfair that I would set up a blog JUST for P,B & J. It's as if to love only ONE member of NSYNC rather than ALL the talented boys in which the group consisted of. After all, there were only 3 of them right? Be kind and spread the love!

I've been blessed with the company of my 6 family cats for a very long time now. So long that they're now eligible for various types of discounts because they're elderly and will likely pronounce fff as ppp like a great number of golden age folks do (because teeth don't last forever). But they truly are preciously golden =) My Mama Ayeow has been with me since I was 13 and is still gratefully going strong. She's 11 years old this year. Because of her the rest exist with the exemption of Kiki, who was my very first rescued cat off the streets from 9 years ago. The sisters, Sakura and Angie are the same age as well and their antisocial aunt Mimi is 10. I honestly never would've thought that Mimi would come this far as she was always a little too timid and too skinny and have had countless bouts of illnesses along the years. I'm hoping that she has many more moons to see. She looks so fragile these days. Parsi is the youngest at 8. The same age as my brother Syafiq. Though the baby of the family, he's almost always as grumpy as a man forced to skip lunch. A very fat man. When he's in this mood (which is 23 hours of the 24 in a day) Parsi will scratch and refuse to love you and will also attempt to bite your finger even though he's already missing incisors and perhaps some molars too. He will have a change of heart though, if you have a can of catfood.

I love these cats like Joan Rivers loves plastic surgery. And she'll keep going till she wins her battle against gravity. Perhaps she is the ONLY one who isn't about recycling these days. Did I mention I believe she's not biodegradable? But at least she believes in animal rights and she is sometimes funny.

=) But I digress, here's in honor of my favorable furry heart-clinchers. May they live long and happy with me ...if not for me!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wall Worthy

A little like peering into a just-done nursery for a coming newborn =p 
What can I say? I can dig 'slap you silly' CUTE. 

These are the same pictures I posted on the side last week except that these are the original copies. It looked too messy with the borders and you couldn't see the details as the images were automatically made to fit on the small side space (in which blogger had to shrink). Better to see their faces in these.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Look what the cat dragged in...

Want to do lunch after this?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Got fleas?

The former owner of P, B & J bought Frontline Flea Spray for them and gave it to me just in case the jumpers attack. So far, they're still parasite free. The thing is that I prefer to use the Spot-on medication instead because the cats will go ape-shit if I try to spray anything on them. Because of that I'm selling this off and putting the money into the kitty fund. This is BRAND NEW and I have never opened or used it. The price is RM37.00 but I'm selling it for RM35.

I also have one pipette of Advantage. This one was a leftover from a box I bought for my cats a few months back. And I haven't had to reapply since to any one of my cats which I find rather amazing. That was the first time I tried Advantage. Before this I used Frontline Spot-On and after about 1-2 months I had to reapply because the fleas would be back. Advantage however seemed to have proven itself better. All my cats are still flea-free after about 6 months! I'm NOT kidding or giving you a sales pitch. It's a true account of my personal experience with the product. Trust me, flea control is highly important to me not only for the health of my cats but also for myself. When they had fleas, I HAD FLEAS. My legs were speckled like a leopard and it WASN'T pretty. I bought this for rm14 each. I'm letting it go for rm10.

BUT there's a downside to this product. 2 of my cats had a bad reaction to it. They started drooling and foaming at the mouth after I applied it on. It only lasted a little while with one of them, but my other cat, Kiki, was spitting out saliva on and off for two days. Apart from that she didn't have any other adverse reactions and it still worked at killing the fleas. I suppose it was not as compatible with her than the other 5 cats because they were fine with the medication. So, it should depend on the cat. I've read that other cat owners have experienced the same thing with the cats when they applied any type/brand of flea control medication. It spooked me out nonetheless and I've decided not to use it on her again. Not that I have to because she is STILL flea-free and so are ALL my other cats. So it is a good product. Actually, it's effing AMAZING.

So, if anyone is interested in the Frontline Spray or the Advantage feel free to email me at Yes, you can try your luck and negotiate the price with me as well so long as you're reasonable AND NOT demanding. Thank you. Oh, and COD only preferably around Kajang-Bangi area.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Acana Prairie Feast

I'm starting my cats on a new diet for the second time in 2 months. The Vetmaster that we bought for them last month wasn't a hoot with most of my cats esp Sakura. But they don't really have a choice but to eat it because we bought the BIGGEST pack. I decided I'd mix it with this.

My cat Mimi has been on her own special Orijen kibbles also known as the 'Mengada Old Cat Wants Expensive Super Premium Food' diet. With ikan rebus on the side every night-- but this is only because she needs to take some meds and would not eat it any other way. Not to mention she also gets charity pieces from my dad's special ikan bakar diet, no salt no nothing. Just grilled fish meat and need I add it's also expensive sea fish. She carefully positions herself atop the dining chair next to my dad and plays her puppy eyes. Every time she succeeds. But that's not the point. Occasionally, I'd mix some of Mimi's Orijen with the Vetmaster for the other cats so that they'd find it more appetizing. Or they'd eat Mimi's remnants in her food bowl once she ambles away. Usually she leaves more than half of it because she's THAT kinda cat. Given how I kesian, I decided to get them Acana from the lovely Kak Leotazz at forum who buys it from her supplier at a reasonable price. Acana is almost the same as Orijen. What I like most is that both are grain-free food and made from the same grade of meat fit for human consumption. The only difference is that Acana's protein percentage is 10% less than Orijen.

I'll have you know Acana smells GOoOooOd. Like chocolate. Seriously. So I'm going to mix that in with Vetmaster so they'd be happier. Then, I'll go eat everything in the fridge to try to forget how EXPENSIVE it is to keep these furkids happy. By the way, we have two refrigerators.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Why chickens hate evolution that disallowed them the ability to fly.

I don't really indulge in buying toys for the cats because a) they cost as much as my eyeballs and b) they don't last more than 5 minutes. Not to mention that almost anything and everything you already have in the house could be a cat toy because they're not very picky when it comes to destroying human property. For example, here's Peekaboo reaching for ANYTHING that he could get his paw on underneath the fridge. He even found himself a piece of broken glass in which he played with like a man in love with himself his PS2.

And down here is Jess with a fallen soldier who has been lying in peace under that fridge...until THEY found him.

I just couldn't resist though when I found a pack of cat toys going for a very cheap price. 2 squeaky mice and a bouncing ball for just about 3 bucks AND there was a discount on top of that. As predicted though, 5 minutes after I initiated play with the brand new toys they were reduced to trash. Actually 1 mouse was badly injured while the other one went missing along with the bouncing ball and THAT was the fault of my brothers. Apparently cat toys are also attractive to little boys in need of friends their own age. Or sleeping pills. KIDDING! Had to add the obvious because you never know if someone reading this might actually believe that I ONLY say what I mean and am nothing but a stern bullshit-less individual. In which case, we should set up a date and you could arrange a job for me- maybe yours. I am SO trustworthy and don't know the meaning of procrastination.

The squeaky mice turned out to not only be a source of joy for the kittens but a great way to make my cat Kiki (the one in the first picture) jump backwards and lose her bladder. Throw it at her and she'll run like you just released a hand grenade her way. It also works like a bell. I squeeze it, it squeaks and not a second later, the kittens come running to my feet. I wonder if it'll work on my future husband. I bought 3 more, all in green to keep for when I get married because we keep on losing them and before this I had one in gray (in which I named Misery) and it disappeared even before a paw touched it and has not been located since. Green stands out more thus easier to find and IS supposed to be good for the eyes.

They're all called Peace the Green Mouse. Clearly they wear their battle scars like it's fashion =p

This is Shero the Sheep. It is not a cat toy but Peekaboo took the liberty to do as he pleased with it and so he herded it... but of course.
When he's in the mood for that you can find Peekaboo transporting the woolly thing in his mouth from on the bed to under the table. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

I use my mom's plastic flowers as a cat teaser. If I were to buy a plastic stick with some feathers taped to the end it'd have cost me rm10. This only cost me my mother's love.
Actually, the vase that they were arranged in was already broken by the cats and of course I was not the one to command them to do so. *SHRUG* Cats are just gracefully clumsy. So a lot of my mother's plastic flowers have parted from their bouquet arrangements and so I took these to play with the cats. They go MAD over it. Especially Ben.

Bottom line--cats will play with anything. Even your heart. So get creative and save money.

Update: And guess what Peekaboo swiped out from under the fridge? Misery! The mystery has been solved and the missing has been found.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Introducing the newbies to the resident cats was a concern to me and it was important that I find the balance to make sure both sides won't murder each other. Luckily, no one has yet been injured. There has been the expected growling, snarling and once or twice my senior cats have swiped one across the face of the kittens to put them back in their place which is in their minds, down the toilet I'm sure. I really wanted Kecik and her kids to feel welcomed and get comfortable with the house. But I also wanted to mind the feelings of my own cats. I didn't want anyone to be upset but naturally, cats don't like change. Especially if it's caused by other cats. And having more of them enter their territory would much resemble the house of ANTM with girls clawing and bickering at each others throats. As expected most of them were hostile and for a few weeks NONE of them wanted to use the front door nor walk about the front of my house because there were aliens invading their space there. They started lounging around at the back and would only come and go through the kitchen door or the windows. Of course there was a lot of evil looks being thrown here and there. And envy was evident.

Parsi was different though. Parsi was very welcoming. He embraced them with opened arms like the annoying school counsellors in highschool who 'REALLY care about YOUR feelings'. He immediately took to the newcomers and fast became their bapa angkat. He thinks of them as his new playmates and often follows Kecik around. They quickly familiarized themselves with each other and they seem to like him too. You wouldn't think that he'd be the one to play with the kittens because he looks like such a freaking badass and IS the biggest sour puss I know. But then again he likes cats more than he likes people. He is so damn heavy though you wouldn't think he would be able to walk let alone run. Or tumble. Or give chase. He draws the line at climbing trees -- clearly he's got some sense and uprooting trees would bring on a DIET scheme for him, and this one LOVES his food. He truly is a kitten at heart. I think Kiki is relieved that he has someone else to bother. If not, every night he'd be rolling around the floor and ambushing Kiki. While she tolerates his playfulness but she doesn't really want to break a hip bone over Parsi's inability to grow up. Plus, he doesn't know his own strength.

Parsi. Master of the death sleep. Also known affectionately as Pat, My Big Black Cat, Epat or Dark Lard. He's clearly done for the day. Playing is a tough job.

As the months have gone by, most of my kitties have gotten used to them being here. They're no longer opposed to being in the same room with them breathing the same air and they now share the same feeding area. But still, they have their personal space that the new ones need to respect and they understand that. What's funny though is how the kittens and Kecik are more gravitated towards the ones who dislike them the most. That volatile one is Sakura. She utterly despises them. But whenever she enters the room, they'll run up to her or follow her and insistently tries to sniff her butt =p And Sakura acts like a drunken star trying to shoo away the pestering paparazzi.

It's a lot of work because I still need to be aware of how much attention I need to divide between all 10 of them. Forget one and you risk finding your shoes soaked in urine the next morning. 10 is a HANDFUL. Make no mistake. But since I'm a stay-at-home- hobo freeloader daughter-&-sister, my time and strength is well spent on making them all happy including the human residents. Of course this is only entirely possible because all of them understand that I don't do dishes nor cook and they don't expect me to. But I can open a can of catfood and use a spoon mighty skillfully. Oh and having the BEST MOM works well for me too.
Living the good life? I say, not bad for now. It'll end soon enough but in the meantime, I'm content.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


If vet bills could kill I'd be six feet under and still feeling the flames from my burnt pocket.
You and I must ask -- why does love have to be so expensive? If the gov could subsidize animal medicine, our people would be more caring and passionate citizens. Thus, resulting in a more harmonized community of togetherness without race and class distinctions. No...SERIOUSLY.

I have been making frequent visits to the vet last month all the way through to this month of May. My last visit was just last week and I'm hoping I won't have to venture there again till AT LEAST when I turn 24 later in the month if not when I strike gold while scooping up scattered cat shit on the lawn. I can tell you, I've probably been there approximately 10 times or so and each time I part with cash by the twenties. AND I'M NOT EVEN WORKING. But what can you do when you have SUCH A BIG HEART, eh? Credits and gratitude towards my pimp sugar daddies parents for providing the dough.

From helpless strays to vaccine shots to old injuries to unabated sniffles to scabies to vehicle accidents to spaying procedures to post operation treatments to forcing me to consider selling my organs. All of that was needed, week after week, for both my own senior kittyzens and the newbies along with 2 unrelated homeless puppy-eyed kittens. One died as it was only about a week old and motherless while the other 6 months old kitten was successfully rehomed thanks to the vet student doing his practical training at the clinic. I was so ecstatic and relieved that WonderCat found an unexpected home with a vet student (!) as that very morning my dad had yelled at me to get rid of it. I frantically looked for a fosterer as no one had yet showed interest in adopting it. But I had to cancel sending him to a fosterer for luckily I went to the vet and as his fate would have it, fell into the embrace of that vet student.
That was a bad day gone good =) Should have more of those days and it wouldn't hurt to throw in some $ as well and while we're at it, why not include a rock star?
I actually asked for donations for WonderCat but there were no charges in the end so I returned the money. It's nice to know though that my family and friends were willing to help me out even if they don't have mad love for animals & would never phantom spending as much as I have forked out for the furry ones. See, love IS expensive and I know they all did it for me because they love me =)

Out of the 3 kittens, Peekaboo was spared the scabies however he found himself with other problems. A day before their 2nd vaccination, I found him foaming at the mouth which only indicates one thing. He had consumed something poisonous. And of course I HAD to worry because I've had a cat die from being poisoned before. After several hours he seemed to be ameliorating and was drooling less. That night my mom and I took a coconut frm our coconut tree and hacked it open for some of its water. I've been told before by a JPH worker (and have also read somewhere) to try and give some coconut water to cats with symptoms of being poisoned. I do not know though if this is an entirely safe treatment for cats so do not attempt it if you aren't sure, as it could further exacerbate the cat's condition. Best to ask your vet first.
But I took the risk and tried it anyway. However by this time, Peekaboo was no longer foaming or drooling. He just looked a little tired. I gave him about 2mls of it. Thank God, he fully recovered the next day without an inkling of illness. I did ask the vet to check him later and he said that he was fine. Perhaps he had just swallowed a slightly poisonous bug or plant.
Peekaboo's life is not uneventful as danger seems to come to Peekaboo at every turn. Perhaps it is the curse of his crossed eyes. On Labor day, my brother accidentally ran him over with the car. I was shocked to hear of this and immediately looked for him. As the story goes, my bother had done the routine cat check under the car before he started it. Now the kittens are NOT spooked by the sound of the engine so they couldn't care less to remove themselve from
underneath the vehicle. He shooed them away and saw that they were gone. But when he backed up the car he hit something and then heard a loud meow furthered by the sight of
Peekaboo running off. Since he was late for Friday prayers, he called my mom to check on Peekaboo. Sure enough, Peekaboo was injured. He was limping on his hindleg.
Again, I took Peekaboo to the vet. No one could say for sure where or how he was hit because no one was there to witness it. But the vet said that he had no broken bones but we would have to wait for 2-3 days to see if he has any internal injuries. If he did, there would be visible bruising. So I waited anxiously for 3 days and alhamdullilah, till today there has been no signs of bruising. Plus, he's back to his active self and does nothing but play, ambush and attack fingers and his siblings.

On the 2nd of May, Kecik and Jess were spayed at Klinik Kembiri SPCA in Setapak. I wanted to go there because the price they offered was more than reasonable. Half the charge at a private clinic. I highly recommend people to go there to spay/neuter animals esp if you're on a tight budget or if you want to practice TNR. I plan to join in on that once my money tree bares fruit. There are several resident strays here who could use a better life. I expected to get lost as usual because as much as I like to think I'm a good driver but my sense of direction is as bad as Paris Hilton's acting. Save for one wrong turn and missing the SMALL DBKL sign, it was a good trip and I arrived at 9.20 am. 2 1/2 hours later they were ready to go home.

Since all my own cats were spayed eons ago, I had forgotten how it was like and how they had reacted after the operation. While Kecik was quiet and drowsy, Jess had a different reaction.
Once she woke up in the office she started howling like someone was branding her butt like they do horses in the cowboy ages. Geez, that cat acted like she had been abused by some deranged hobo. She slipped in and out of consciousness and each time she came to she'd screamed no less like a drunken donkey pretending to be Mariah Carey.
It got a little scary and caused me to think that they might've left a baby alien scalpel in her or something. But she soon calmed down and several hours later was back to her usual self. 10 days have gone by and things look good. The time to release them from cage-arrest was today. Immediately they took to wrestling around with Ben and Peekaboo and settling back into their usual routine of turning the house into a home fit for the cover of Pigsty magazine.

Update: And just a couple of hours ago, Ben found himself succumbing to his innate kucing kampung desires and went through the kitchen trash. He then got himself a piece of fish bone stuck between his back teeth. If my eyes could roll back any further it would drop into my skull and roll down to be squeezed out of my rectum from the antics of these cats. To assist Ben, I tried to tug it out but to no avail so I had to call my mother who is wiser and patient and less of a finicky girl such as my HUMBLE self. And of course she fixed Ben straight. Exhausted from the ordeal, he flopped in the middle of the floor into lalaland.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

P, B & J

The very first thing I HAD to do was bless them with names. There were some discussions between my little bothers and I but in the end we managed to agree with names that wouldn't cause them to be bullied at school.

Let's introduce the little snot-nosed newbies!
P, B & J are...

The one who stands out the most because he's the WHITE one. Siamese-like with a slender body and long face accompanied with ash-lilac points. Generally, he'd be the one people would immediately consider cute. And hell, he IS. He is also slightly but visibly crossed-eyed! Which only adds to the urge to want to squeeze his face like lemons. I named him this just because I thought it'd be a cute name. This guy will try to eat your hand off and will try to catch anything that moves. He has a particular liking for fingers. As active as a drag queen on ecstasy .

He was the last to be named because the names my bother suggested were likely the names of felons or faggots. After some thought, he was named after Ben 10. Often times we alternate between doubling his name to Ben Ben and Benny Si Lembu (of Dora the Explorer fame but in Malay) or occasionally Benji just because we want to call him by two syllables.
A lot of people don't find black cats much to fuss over but I for one dig the mysterious brooding appearance of these dark underdogs. Usually it's in the face. But Ben here is a cliche --where he lacks in looks, he makes up for in personality. Boy, does this one have a personality to clinch your heart. He may not be very attractive but he does have a unique face and his hooked tail is imperfect but he'll lure you in if you give him the opportunity. His face is very expressive and he is a go-getter. Also talks a lot (or rather whines like a brat). During the earlier days, he looked mainly sad which made me pay more attention to him because it looked like he always needed a hug. Just like a Carebear minus the rainbow rays shooting out of his pot belly.

Tell me you've seen the British animation Postman Pat. The theme song "Postman Pat, Postman Pat...Postman Pat and his black and white cat." That's always in my head when it comes to Jess, the tuxedo princess. She was named after Postman Pat's kitty because its cute and I watch kid shows because unlike working people, I can =p. She's a lot like my own cat, Mimi. She's demure and feminine but will join in the rustle and tussle of her brothers. She likes her space but can also be very chatty. Doesn't like to be picked up much and has a tendency to meow whenever you touch her but she doesn't scratch. I think she's very pretty although somewhat fierce. She's got a full black head with approximately 20 strands of white fur in between her eyes and she has white whiskers.

Their mother deserves an honorable introduction too. So here's Mommy Kecik who is a Russian Blue. Kecik is a very nice cat although a little reserved. Moving to my house was hard on her because she was very close to her owner and they loved each other =) You can tell she's very loyal. Her eyes were oozing with sadness from parting with her owner and perhaps she's expecting him to come back. She's still taking time to settle in but looks less broken-hearted as the weeks go by. Thankfully, she has her kittens to preoccupy her so more or less they're easing the transition. I do what I can to make her comfortable here and I do like to believe that I'm slowly getting her to open up to me. It's easy to fall in love with her but she's taken more to my mom than anyone else.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Little CATTY things

I wanted to start this blog even before the kittens got here while I was excitingly anticipating for their arrival. But naturally, as my habits would permit me, I am a top notch pro procrastinator. I make no pretenses that one day I'll ever do anything as quick as it takes for the idea to spark in my head while singing in the shower and boy, do I get inspired in the shower (good CLEAN inspiration, of course!). Anyway, the reason for the set up of this blog is to chronicle the new kittens' time here. Primarily, I wanted to use it as a reference site for future adopters so that people can get a better sense of these cats and also as a personal keepsake for me to remember them by once they leave my humble abode.

For you to be here, you should know that animals aren't just living, breathing creatures inferior to homo sapiens. There are many things that SHOULD mystify you about them and we shouldn't be so coiled in the idea that we're the only ones blessed feelings and personalities. They are individually unique and have very much distinctive personalities and I intend to get to know these kittens through and through and share it here even though it's going to cause me to become as attached to them as tape worms are to intestines. And when we part I'll cry the Nile River. I promise you THAT at the very least.

They've been with me for almost 2 months now and it has been a circus. Undoubtedly, there's more sunshine beaming on this home ever since. AND I don't feel so dead inside and in need of as much to ease away the pain of my heart. I may not be fat but I am fat INSIDE. But that's a different story you'll probably never hear on this site. Anyway, I'll just give you a brief overview of what has happened in that time because this post could have no end if I decide to detail every bit. I'll rely on my acute memory to give you as accurate a summary of the earlier weeks.

Trouble started within just a few hours after they had arrived. Prior to having been sent to the house, they were vaccinated first. It was of utmost importance to have it done because my cats are virus carriers and unprotected little ones would be exposed to the dangers of a premature death. I knew they ran the risk of getting slightly sick over it as all babies do, but little did I know they would go ape shit on each other. Literally-- minus the ape. But let me tell ya, there was excrement flying around alright and none of it was too rosy. Their mother cat was baffled by her kittens sudden reincarnation as vengeful banshees. But she remained calm and did not decide to panic with them. Because of that I had to separate them into different cages. But I didn't have 4 different cages. So one of them stayed in a basket. I left them that night hoping that the next day they'd be wide-eyed dolls again. It took 2 days for them to recover from the vaccine shots and once they did they were nothing but playful, active 3 month old kittens. Just as enthusiastic to explore the new grounds as gay men are to get creative with a new flower arrangement. Steadily, they allowed us to join in the fun. Personally, it was such a fun moment for me because I haven't seen kittens running around my lawn in a long time. I cannot remember the last time that happened. It was refreshing especially in the mundane state that I have been in lately. This was a job I wanted to do and was happy to do it for free. If only life was as easy.

The first couple of weeks was about getting them to familiarize themselves with the house and its safe areas. Being cats, they were curious to venture out into further territory but I had to draw the line. Outside the gate is too dangerous as there are cars and other insanities lurking (spoken like a true recluse). In the many years that I've lived here, most of my neighbours have been fine with my cats. But many of those neighbours have also moved on and replaced with not so appealing ones. While my own cats know their turf well, the new kittens would have to learn hopefully without much drama or danger. Because of that, I had to make sure that they keep inside the gate. Luckily, we have some spacious land for them to gambol about. For now they still need to be supervised while playing. It may sound insane to some, but really, it's not as insane as caging animals up for life just because you claim to love it with all that protective affection coming from your behind. Some of my neighbours like to give me looks from actually watching my cats play like I would a child. But it really isn't anybodies beeswax.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

First Glimpse

I had no idea how the kittens looked like when I agreed to take them in. This was my first glimpse. The quality isn't great because it was taken with a mobile phone. But grainy or not you could tell they were CUTE. Even though the visibility of the black one's face is nonexistent you might as well be looking into the pits of an antsy teenager's heart. Still, it kinda screamed UGLY DUCKLING =p After all there was only one picture of it. I'm thinking this one might need counseling.

15th March 2009

It started 6 weeks ago but I had made the agreement some time in late January. And I did it on a whim. A friend of mine needed to find homes for his kittens and I thought I'd inquire about one. At this point in time, I already had 6 cats of my own, all in their golden ages. I practically run an old folks home for cats =) I haven't had a kitten in years and can hardly remember the days when my own cats were so innocently small and had only concern for frolicking around. My brother, who is a POWWAH ranger in training and not the slightest bit discreet about it, has been driving me up the wall with all that sugar in his system. Fortunately, he takes after me on one thing. The love of animals. He constantly tells me that he hates to see dying or dead animals. But as little boys do, he has a tendency to smother one of my senior cats, Angie. While Angie wouldn't claw his face off out of respect for family (sometimes much to my dismay) she clearly gets agitated and uncomfortable from all his hugging, kissing and squeezing the love out of her. He hasn't quite learnt yet just how gentle you need to be when handling animals. He's unaware of his own strength which would do well for him as a rubber-monster-fighting hero but not as an affectionate friend of a feline. He doesn't mean to cause her silent brain infarcts but he does and I see it in Angie's eyes how she wishes she could just horse-kick him in the nuts. I often times have to rescue her and will be shouting for him to release her which in turns causes me to swell with the urge to cause damage to his self-esteem like good older sisters do. To avoid from having him to pay for therapy in the future from his eventful childhood (also to decrease the chances of me to have to get refills for Crazy Pills), I decided he needed a distraction. Besides I could sense that Angie was about to make a pack with the others to take naked pictures of him while he's asleep and post it around his school. So I decided perhaps its time he got himself a different cat to become his new bff. And what better option than to get him an active kitten.

It should have been a pretty simple thing to do. Find a kitten and give it to him. But the truth is, I would have been the one fully responsible for it and my brother would just be the helper. Instead of taking in a kitten, I ended up agreeing to foster the entire brood. My friend had a female cat who had given birth to 3 unexpected kittens. But being a responsible human being and an animal lover, it wasn't an option for him to throw them away. Unfortunately, he was leaving for school in a couple of months and no one would be around to care for his bunch of kitties. Since he wanted to send them back to the SPCA, I took 10 minutes to blurt out in a text that I would take them all in. After that I just needed to convince my parents. My mom would be ok with it but it was my father that had me fretting somewhat. I was sure he'd rather see me move out. I plucked up the courage to ask him anyway and although he said no, I said I already gave my word and unlike beauty salon slimming plan promotions, I was going to keep my word.

So the day finally came for them to be surrendered over into my care and all went well. When I say "went well", I meant that my father didn't disown me and didn't even say a word about it. I like to think of it as a silent agreement with conditions. The condition being --they better not be here forever or I'm marrying you off to one of my middle aged friends with a flatulence problem. NOTED.

Now I have 10 cats running wild in the house =)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Today's Special

"Would Sir like a Kit10 sandwich?"

"Pray tell, what is in this intriguing concoction?"

"Delectable P,B & J. Layered together and topped with a wet nose."

"Peanut Butter & Jelly you mean? Those are the special ingredients? Do they contain nuts?"

"Oh no, Sir! Our P,B & J is a different spread. A secret that can't be revealed, if you know what I mean. But I can tell you it's got more body and a sharper taste. With 2 nuts and an egg. You can't go wrong with that. Special indeed."

"Is this a foreign delicacy?"

"Partially Russian but more prominently local. Goes well with fish and milk (and sometimes trash) ."

"How do I enjoy it?"

"Like an oreo. But please be advised Sir that they lick themselves. Oh, do not be alarmed if you find a hair or two."
