Tuesday, March 20, 2012

One reads. The other one jeers.

The newest (and youngest) two that we have in the household is Maggie and Jenny. 
The sisters showed up on a stormy evening in September 2010 and long story short, after a couple of months waiting for a suitable new owner, I made the decision to become just that. I can tell you that I didn't do it because I needed  to add to my crazy pack nor to fill in a psychological void. I did it because it was really hard to earn their trust (especially Maggie) and when they finally decided it was ok to be around humans without fearing the worst, I didn't have the heart to hand them over to someone else. It felt like betrayal if I had sent them away after they finally decided it was safe to not be scared of us. They were born feral and didn't have a pinch of trust for people and even now, they aren't friendly among unfamiliar faces. Plus, Parsi wanted a posse of his own. Boy, did he regret that later on because they can't seem to understand his want for "me time". That's what you get Pat for refusing to be my lap cat. Now you get to have not only one, but two of your own! 

Maggie: "Oh My Spinx! Did ya know that wizards wear pointy hats so that they could communicate with aliens?!
It's MINDBLOWING, right?!" Parsi: "UGH! She reads ONE BOOK and then she thinks she knows EVERYTHING!"

Being the young ones, they usually like to put on their glittery heart-shaped glasses on and think about new ways to catch butterflies and geckos successfully. 

Jenny (right) likes the outdoors while Maggie (left) prefers the house furniture but they make time to wrestle with one another everyday, in and outside of the house. They're both terrified of male human beings but have a lot of love for male cats. As I mentioned before, they're quite attached to Parsi as if he's the one who rescued them from the streets. But now that they've gotten older, Parsi easily gets miffed over Jenny's clingy nature but still tolerates her in his posse because his heart is not as dark as his fur. But don't tell anyone because if word gets out, he'd lose "street cred".

It took a while to tame them and to have them accept us for more than the source of food, but now not only do they trust us gangly-limbed giants but they also seem to "like" us too. Maggie will come up to me and hang around. Occasionally she'll subtly rub against my leg, but more often than not, she prefers the legs of furniture nearest to where I'm standing. Jenny is also not much for tactile affection but prefers to be vocal. It would be cute if she didn't sound like she's trying to warn us that the house is on fire every time she opens her mouth.

They've settled in quite nicely and every day they get fatter and fatter because they'll eat at every chance they get. Life was hard on the street. Now that it's cosier, it's time for first world problems even though they only live in a "developing country". Next thing you know, someone is going to have a problem with the kind of plastic their cat bowl is made of and after that, will start questioning why they can't ride in a leopard print designer bag instead of the old pet carrier that's so yesterday. I can already see it now, these budding divas are going to demand they show up in style at the vet for their yearly jabs or make you carry them around the building to enter through the back door.

What's that? I'm projecting a hint of regret, you say? No, of course not! There are no regrets in keeping them. None at all. Just ask Parsi who is constantly diving into the ditch to get away from all their wants and needs. Seeing Parsi get grumpy is what we all live for :)

Note: If you like the funky glasses, you can get a pair of your own at PuglyPixel.  

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