I'm starting my cats on a new diet for the second time in 2 months. The Vetmaster that we bought for them last month wasn't a hoot with most of my cats esp Sakura. But they don't really have a choice but to eat it because we bought the BIGGEST pack. I decided I'd mix it with this.
My cat Mimi has been on her own special Orijen kibbles also known as the 'Mengada Old Cat Wants Expensive Super Premium Food' diet. With ikan rebus on the side every night-- but this is only because she needs to take some meds and would not eat it any other way. Not to mention she also gets charity pieces from my dad's special ikan bakar diet, no salt no nothing. Just grilled fish meat and need I add it's also expensive sea fish. She carefully positions herself atop the dining chair next to my dad and plays her puppy eyes. Every time she succeeds. But that's not the point. Occasionally, I'd mix some of Mimi's Orijen with the Vetmaster for the other cats so that they'd find it more appetizing. Or they'd eat Mimi's remnants in her food bowl once she ambles away. Usually she leaves more than half of it because she's THAT kinda cat. Given how I kesian, I decided to get them Acana from the lovely Kak Leotazz at cari.com.my forum who buys it from her supplier at a reasonable price. Acana is almost the same as Orijen. What I like most is that both are grain-free food and made from the same grade of meat fit for human consumption. The only difference is that Acana's protein percentage is 10% less than Orijen.
I'll have you know Acana smells GOoOooOd. Like chocolate. Seriously. So I'm going to mix that in with Vetmaster so they'd be happier. Then, I'll go eat everything in the fridge to try to forget how EXPENSIVE it is to keep these furkids happy. By the way, we have two refrigerators.
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